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The purpose of chimney cleaning is to remove flammable deposits such as soot and creosote from the interior walls of a chimney. If these deposits are allowed to build up, they will eventually ignite and cause a chimney fire. During the winter months, in many areas, chimney fires are the #1 cause of house fires. Chimney fires damage chimneys, cause fires within other areas of the home and cause millions of dollars in property damage annually. In the United States well over 50,000 homes annually catch on fire due to the use of solid fuel burning appliances. (The majority of solid fuel used by homeowners is wood, but also includes coal, wood pellets and biofuel.)

Over time, flammable deposits, like soot and creosote, can build up in your chimney which can lead to poor ventilation, which could potentially ignite resulting in chimney fires.

For many areas, the #1 cause of house fires during the winter months is chimney fires due to poor maintenance. This can cause severe damage to homes and poses a serious threat to families. Well over 50,000 homes in the U.S. catch fire through poorly maintained solid-fuel burning appliances.

The National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) recommends that a chimney be inspected annually to determine if cleaning or repairs are necessary. Oftentimes, property management companies will require an inspection every year to ensure the safety and proper function of the fireplaces in their properties.


Frequency of use, duration of use and the moisture content and the type of the wood can increase the need for maintenance beyond the normal recommendations.

The winter months are generally the most common time that individuals call to schedule their inspections and cleanings to prepare their fireplaces for use. Due to the demand for service and the limited number of homes that can be serviced on a daily basis, the cost and wait time can be higher.


Another less common approach, is to schedule your annual inspection and cleaning during the summer months to receive your service at a reduced rate and to take advantage of a much more flexible time table.

Why should I have my chimney cleaned?

How often should I have my fireplace inspected?

When is the best time to schedule my inspection?

Appointments are limited, (especially during the winter), so call to schedule your appointment today!

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